F’Maltarti se nitkellmu dwar il-proġett At The Table, li ttella’ fi Spazju Kreattiv f’April.
Dan il-kunċett huwa l-qalba tal-proġett At The Table, li sar minn artisti internazzjonali ta’ dixxiplini differenti. Minn films qosra għal wirjiet fiżiċi, At The Table hu maħsub biex iwassal esperjenzi differenti minn madwar l-imwejjed ta’ familji f’pajjiżi differenti.
The family table is the centre of discussion for numerous families. This concept is at the heart of the project At The Table produced by international artists from different artistic disciplines. From short films to physical exhibitions, At The Table aims to present the different experiences of families from all around the world when sitting around their dinner table.