During MALTARTI, we will meet with curator Rudy Buhler, who will introduce the work of two Swiss artists, Tania Strausak and Renato Hauser for the first time in Malta.
Dettal tal-wiċċ straordinarju min-naħa, u pitturi astratti b’kuluri vivaċi min-naħa oħra. Għall-ewwel darba f’Malta, qed jiġi esebit ix-xogħol ta’ żewġ artisti Żvizzeri li joffru stili kompletament differenti minn xulxin. Il-kuratur Rudy Buhler ilaqqagħna max-xogħol ta’ Tania Strausak u Renato Hauser.
Extraordinary detail of the face from one side, and abstract paintings of vivacious colours on the other. For the first time in Malta, the work of two Swiss artists is being exhibited, offering two completely different styles. Curator Rudy Buhler will introduce us to the work of Tania Strausak and Renato Hauser.