In this episode of MALTARTI we’re introduced to the work of the artistic photographer Wilfred Flores, 41 years after his death, that’s being exhibited in Shadows and Light.
Kriminoloġista affaxxinat bl-imaġini artistika li tinħoloq minn ġo lenti. Wilfred Flores kien wieħed mill-ewwel fotografi Maltin li ffoka fuq l-arti fil-fotograija. Dan jidher ċar minn l-ewwel wirja solo ta’ xogħlu Shadows & Light li qed tittella’ 41 sena wara mewtu.
A criminologist fascinated by artistic images that are created through a lens. Wilfred Flores was one of the first Maltese photographers to focus on art photography rather than documenting time. This is highly evident in the first solo exhibition of his work Shadows & Light that’s being organised 41 years after his death.