During Maltarti we will present the new artistic programme by the Gabriel Caruana Foundation which offers various initiatives for the Spring Season.
Nilqgħukom għal Maltarti, il-programm t’attwalità fl-arti u l-kultura. Mal-mogħdija taż-żmien ngħaddu wkoll għal programmi kulturali ġodda; it-tim tagħna għadda sal-Mitħna, il-qalba tal-Fondazzjoni Gabriel Caruana, biex jistaqsi dwar il-programm artistiku mħejji għar-rebbiegħa.
Welcome to Maltarti – a current arts and culture programme. As time goes by, we shall also go through new cultural programmes. Our team went to the Mill, the heart of Gabriel Caruana Foundation, to ask about the artistic programme prepared for spring.