In MALTARTI we are paying a visit to the workshop organised by Vogue Xchange in the Valletta Design Cluster.
Vogue Xchange, membri tal-Valletta Design Cluster, jaħdmu biex jiftħu l-imħuħ dwar ħwejjeġ reċiklati, jew second-hand; li oġġett mhux bilfors tarmieh iżda tista’ tbiddlu ma’ xi ħaġa li kellu ħaddieħor. Vogue Xchange jagħtu wkoll workshops mill-Cluster, li joffri diversi spazji għall-membri tagħhom.
Members of the Valletta Design Cluster Vogue Xchange work towards raising awareness on recycled or second-hand clothes: an object which perhaps should not be thrown away but maybe exchanged for something someone else has. Vogue Xchange also organise workshops from the Cluster, offering different spaces for their members.